Wild at Heart
© 1990 Panoramic Designs (PD)
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  Programming: Haavar B. Hojem  
  Programming: Marius Skogheim  
  Graphics: Bjørn Røstøen  
  Graphics: Marius Skogheim  
  Music: Deek  
  Music: Fred Gray  
  Music: Henning Røkling  
  Music: Johannes Bjerregaard  
  Music: Moz(ic)art  
  Music: Tim Follin  
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Merman: An old-school classic with some very good programming and design.

Andreas Wallström: Panoramic made lots of cool demos and this one is no exception. The Mindroll picture by Bjørn is just awesome! The witch-part is really cool too, heheh..

This demo has been downloaded 1195 times.
Direct link: www.c64.com?type=2&id=182.
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