Intro 88
© 1988 Triad (3AD)
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  Programming: The Gronk  
  Programming: Mic  
  Graphics: Mat Sneap (Mat)  
  Graphics: Rob Whitaker (Mantronix)  
  Graphics: Various uncredited  
  Music: Anthony Lees  
  Music: Fred Gray  
  Music: Intro sound FX from Radius  
  Music: Neil Baldwin (Demon)  
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    1988 Carat
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Eltronic 1989
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Zone 45 1989
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    5:th Dimension
Cicen 1990
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The Vikings 1988
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    Brainstorm 1
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Triad 1988
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    Censor 2
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Triad 1989
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    Driller Music
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    Escos 1
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    Escos 3
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    Farewell Cult
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    Ripped off #13
The Supply Team 1987
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    Ripped off #15
The Supply Team 1987
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    Ripped off #47
The Supply Team 1988
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    Ripped off #49
The Supply Team 1988
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    Ripped off #53
The Supply Team 1988
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    Ripped off #68
The Supply Team 1988
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    Ripped off #69
The Supply Team 1988
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    Ripped off #70
The Supply Team 1988
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Sector 90 1989
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Triad 1988
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    Xecution 4
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