The Untouchables / Ocean Software 1989
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This game has been rated 5 times so far. Go to the vote form and give us your rating and comment.

Your comments

Dzsurnik Csaba: I love,love,LOVE THIS GAME!! Awesome!

S.I.T. (Stephen Thomson): When I first heard that we were working on the untouchables, I was blown away. Every thing at that time was sci-fi or fantasy, so working on something that had a definite point in history was ga great challenge. We were told that we couldnt use the likenesses to any of the actors in the movie, so I changed the avatars in the hud. Its a good job they didnt look at the loading screens with Kevin Costner plastered over 2 of them :D. oh btw the game is WAY too hard your right!!! lol

TWR: This is a brilliant game, just as the movie. Nice graphics and functional sound. Game-play rocks hard !!!

Tano: Very well presented with superb graphics. Unfortunately, the music scores from those years oddly don't suit the action, imo, and playability lacks a lot. The first level is especially frustrating. The final level and end sequence are great, though.

Matt: tough game with brilliant graphics and an atmospheric soundtrack. more than worth try!

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