Slimey's Mine / Silverbird 1988
Screenshots: « play/stop »

Slimey has been trapped on an asteroid belt miles from home. His only chance to return is by exploring old mine workings which exist in the area in order to salvage scrap parts from abandoned spaceships. Unfortunately the mines have become over-run by alien lifeforms whose strange behaviour will hinder Slimey's efforts in reaching his goal.

Playing the game
Asteroid level: Moving the joystick enables Slimey to move from one asteroid to another. The surrounding area can be viewed by holding the fire button and moving the joystick. Some asteroids have mine entrances and to make Slimey enter one, click the fire button whilst on the particular asteroid. If Slimey lands on the launch pad, he will fly to the next asteroid belt... providing he has all the sections of his spaceship.

Inside the mines: Move using a joystick, shooting aliens and collecting the blue diamonds left behind. Collect these diamonds until a red diamond appears. Collecting this completes the level, i.e. Slimey can leave the current screen through the exit(s) available. Touching aliens decreases Slimey's energy. This is shown as a jar of water and when his energy runs out, i.e. the jar empties, Slimey loses one of his three lives.

Collectable objects
Slimey can collect these by walking over them:

Blue bubble: Turns aliens red and blue. Touching a blue alien turns another blue and fills water jar. Touching a red one returns all aliens back to normal.

Four yellow balls: Banana bombs, released by F3.

Map: Shows Slimey's current position within the mine.

Blue diamond: Collect enough to make aliens drop red diamonds.

Red diamond: Use these to finish levels. You require four to collect spaceship sections.

Door: Leads back out to the asteroids.

Movement and firing is by joystick. The following functions are available from the keyboard:

F1: Transfers Slimey to a different part of the current screen. Use the joystick to guide Slimey. Do not transfer into solid rock!

F3: Shoot four banana bombs!

F7: Uses up one red diamond collected and finishes the level.

P: Pause.

Commodore 64 owners:
1) Connect the cassette unit to your Commodore according to the user manual.

2) Place the rewound cassette into the cassette unit and press play.

3) Press Run/Stop and Shift simultaneously on your Commodore.

Commodore 128 owners:
1) Switch off your Commodore 128 and switch it back on whilst holding down the Commodore key.

2) Now follow the instructions for Commodore 64 owners above.

Note: Full loading instructions can be found in your Commodore manual.

Product information and credits
Copyright subsists in all Silverbird Software documentation and artwork. All rights reserved. No part of this software may be copied, transmitted in any form, or by any means, hired or lent without the express permission of the publisher.

If this program is faulty, or fails to load, please return it to the address below CLEARLY MARKED 'RETURNS' and it will be replaced free of charge. This offer does not affect your statutory consumer rights.

Silverbird Software, 1st Floor, 64-76 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1PS.

Silverbird and the Silverbird logo are registered trademarks of British Telecommunications plc.

© Simon Pick

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