Impossible Mission / Epyx 1984
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During the past three days, key military computer installations in every major world power have reported that someone has gained access to their primary missile attack computers. Only one person is capable of tampering on this scale. Professor Elvin Atombender.

We believe that Elvin is working to break the computer launch codes. If he succeeds he will trigger a missile attack that will destroy the world.

You must penetrate Elvin's stronghold and stop him. To succeed you will have to evade the robot guard, break his security code and find his control centre.

Your only weapons will be your keen analytical mind and your MIA9366B pocket computer. Good luck. The world is depending on you.

Game play and controls
Search every object in the room for codes and passwords. Stand directly in front of an object and push joystick forward. A box will appear indicating the length of time it will take to search.

Various responses will appear:

• Nothing here.

• Picture of sleeping robot. "Snooze" password allows you to temporarily deactivate the robots in a room.

• A striped lifting platform. "Liftinit" password allows you to reset all lifts in a room to their original positions.

• A puzzle piece. This is part of the password. It will be entered into your pocket computer automatically.

To use the security terminal move directly in front of it and push joystick forward. The screen will enlarge to fill your display. Use the fire button on the joystick to select the functions displayed.

Code rooms: You can earn additional passwords here. Walk up to the console and push the joystick forward as if you were searching for it. A sequence of squares will flash, each with a musical note. Use the white glove that appears to touch each square in a sequence of ascending order (low to high).

When the correct sequence is found, the checkerboard will flash and you will receive either a "Snooze" or "Liftinit" password. You can do this as many times as you like but the sequence gets longer each time. Touch the purple bar to quit.

Pocket computer: This allows you to play with the puzzle pieces to figure out how they fit together. To activate it, you must be standing in an elevator or corridor. Press fire button to turn it on. A white glove will appear; use this to form the puzzle.

To pick up a puzzle piece, point to it with the glove and press the fire button. Move it by using the joystick.

To drop a puzzle piece, press joystick button.

To find out if two pieces match, position one piece directly over the other and press the joystick button.

Additional controls
In the elevator: Joystick forward or back to go up or down. Joystick left or right to go in either direction along the corridor. Running off the screen takes you into another room.

In the room: Joystick left or right to go in either direction. Press fire button to make your agent do a mid air forward flip.

On lifting platforms: Push joystick forward or back to go up or down.

Solving the puzzles
Pieces must be the same colour. If two pieces look as if they should match, use the colour keys to change them. A completed puzzle looks like a computer punch card. A completed puzzle may be upside down or backward when you finish it. Try flipping it around before it is recognised as a solution. There are four pieces in each completed puzzle, and nine puzzles in the game. Each time a puzzle is completed, one letter of the password will appear on the pocket computer screen.

Control room
The door to the control room is in one of the green rooms. When the password is completed, position the agent in the front of the door and push the joystick forward.

When you touch the phone key in the pocket computer, it dials up the Agency's main computer. But there is a charge for using it.

Loading instructions
Hold down Shift and press Run/Stop.

Manufactured in the U.K. under licence from Epyx Inc., by U.S. Gold Ltd.

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