Delta / Thalamus 1987
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This game has been rated 6 times so far. Go to the vote form and give us your rating and comment.

Your comments

Jostein Kristiansen: Classic game!

Highchecker1999: Hail to the Booooom! Indeed one of the best Space Shooters of all Time! Nice Graphics, well done Grafics and Sound Effects! If its to hard then youre to weak! Zzap!64 who the hell cares what they say? Dust off your one color sprite Speccys! Stavros is the best fu..! the rest! Dowmload or Die!

grantcorp: I salute thee, finest of all the space shooters out there. Thinking back to when we slugged it out together against the ruthless enemy sends a silent tear to the corner of my eye. You continued to captivate me with your brilliance and elegance, yet you craved for my total concentration or you would do terrible things to me. Still, together with you I have seen the most wonderful and frightening places of the universe. And I am ready to do it all over again, because I love you so much.

TWR: A very hard game indeed but absolutly brilliant. Superb graphics, great music but a bit too hard to play.

Tano: This is pure class. Not only one of the best shmups, it's also some sort of a dreamlike trip in outer space. Gfx are beautiful and the music is out of this world. The levels' names are also cool. And 32 stages in one load...

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Thalamus 1987
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