© 1988 Thalamus
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By: Boys Without Brains
Programming: Mario van Zeist
Graphics: Arthur van Jole
Graphics: Jacco van T Riet
Titlescreen: Robin Levy
Music: Jeroen Tel
Thanks to: Jim
Genre: Platform

Rating: Rate
Download: Game
Download: Hawkeye.sid

Direct link: www.c64.com/games/597.

It got the total rating of 9 points from the viewers. "Thalamus's stuff was always slick and well programmed and Hawkeye was no exception. The game was a little too difficult for me, but there is a cheat mode you can type in on the title screen. Can't remember what it is though. The little Thalamus symbols flash when you've got it right. The best thing is the title music - awesome!" says Metal64.

Thalamus 1988
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