Might and Magic Book 2
© 1989 New World Computing
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Subtitle: Gates to Another World
Commodore 64 version: David Hammond
Commodore 64 version: Henry Vanderbilt
Commodore 64 version: Inside Out Software
Commodore 64 version: John Romero
Concept: Avril Harisson
Concept: Jon Van Caneghem
Concept: Mark Caldwell
Concept: Stephen L. Cox
Concept: Vince DeQuattro
Genre: Roleplaying game

Rating: Rate
Download: Game

Direct link: www.c64.com/games/1438.

It got the total rating of 7 points from the viewers. "I get the message CPU Jam and the game locks up with VICE and CCS when trying to use the Training service in any town. With out this training, the characters are limited to only the beginnings of this game. Is there a emulator setting adjustment to make this playable?" says Bill.

  Might and Magic Book 2
New World Computing 1989
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