Jeff / Daniax,
CyberZound Productions,
Added on February 10th, 2007 (8001 views)

Tell us something about yourself.
Søren Lund, 32. Born in Give, Denmark (where I live today as well) on 16.04.74. Work: Processcoordinator in a company taking care of daily production plus other stuff.
What handle(s) did you use and how did you come up with it/them?
Jeff – taken from some clothing brand.
What group(s) were you in?
I started in Daniax. I am not sure that any of my stuff from back then ever reached the scene. Then I joined X-Factor, followed by Camelot. In Camelot I also formed CyberZound Productions. Later on I joined Crest, then Bonzai, and today I guess you could say I am in Crest, Bonzai, and Camelot. But I really don't count Bonzai any longer. I think they might have lost interest in things. In 2003 (I think), CZP was shut down by me, and Viruz (my new music label) was born instead. Members: MTR1975, Linus, Fanta, _V_, and me.
What roles have you fulfilled?
Hmm, let me think... I think I was an arranger of nitting-meetings... Naah... Musician and somewhat a coder, but mainly music-related coding. :-)
How long were you active for?
So far it's from 1990 to 2007, but before this I also did some coding, music and other stuff on the C64. I even did stuff on an old crappy Lambda computer.
Tell us about those years and how you got into the scene in the first place.
Well, a friend of mine got me into Daniax, then later on, some other friend got me and a few others in X-Factor. Then at some X-Factor meeting I met the dudes from Camelot, and due to inactivity in X-F, I joined Camelot instead. I guess I got quite known in the scene when I was in Camelot. Years later, after some inactivity and major boozing, I was asked to join Crest. I said yes of course, and I had quite a bit of success at that point. I later talked to THA/BZ as they needed a musician to do music for a new demo, which sadly so far hasn't been finished. Old school parts, but new great ideas. These days I started to work a bit with the Camelot dudes again as some of them started getting active again. Once a Camel, always a Camel. :-)
Describe a typical day for you in front of the computer.
In the 80's and a bit into the 90's, I played a lot of games but got more and more interested in demos as time went on. I watched a lot of demos, and of course did some music and player-coding in the evenings and weekends.
Did you personally invent any special techniques or tools to make things easier for you?
I coded a lot of players. All in all, I think I did close to 30 players (including the half-finished ones). I have coded two music-editors so far. I still use the CZP Music Editor 2.0 which I finally managed to code a packer for. These days I am coding an entirely new music editor, for which I have done a few new players for.
When you look at what you did back then, what are you most proud of?
Well, I am most proud of my four- and eight-speed tunes, as a lot of people got suprised when they heard them.
Who were your heroes on the scene and why?
To begin with, it was the crackers, at least those who did stylish intros for their cracks. As time moved on, I found
out about demos. I remember that some of my all-time hero-groups were: Crest, Contex, Panoramic Designs, Bones, Bonzai, Horizon, and Censor Design, mainly because they did well-designed stuff with good ideas, had their own style, etc. When it comes to C64 music, some of my biggest scene heroes were: JCH, Laxity, Geir Tjelta, and Olav Mörkrid, mainly because I thought they were cool, doing their own music tools, and from time to time doing rather interesting music.
What, for you, was the coolest thing ever invented on the C64?
The different FLI formats – I was amazed about how good graphics the C64 could display. Multispeed music – This has opened up a whole new area for me in SID-composing, even though I mostly do single-speed music today.
Did you go to any copy-parties, meetings or tradeshows?
I went to The Party 1-7, and the Brutal/Hurricane party on Samsø in Denmark.
In your opinion, what was the scene all about?
Getting to know people who hade the same interests, and to be able to show people what I could do with a C64.
What were the particular highlights for you?
The release of Tower Power/Camelot and D.E.M./Crest. Plus, it has always been nice to meet people on parties, even though some parties did suck a lot.
Any cool stories to share with us?
Nopes. Better not tell too much about crazy Camelot meetings and such. :-)
Are you still in contact with any old C64 people today?
Yep, mostly via the Internet, but I do still see some of the Camelot members.
When did you get your C64 and do you still have it lying around somewhere?
I have a few laying around actually. I think I got my first one around 1986, and of course I still use them. :-)
Was the C64 really as special as we like to think it was?
Yes, it has a certain charm. Also, the whole scene, the people, and so on. I guess it's fun for me as new stuff is still being invented on C64. And I am just so much in love with the great SID-chip sound! At least the old version as some idiot managed to fuck up the filters on the new model.
When can we expect to see some new C64 output from you? :)
Soon! I got some finished music waiting to be released. Just keep your eyes and ears open. ;-)
Do you have a message for your old contacts and/or anyone reading this?
"Hi, I miss you." :-) Ehrm... Not really. ;-)
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